Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A New Creation

2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

When we accept Christ we become clean and move on in life with a new outlook. Sure we will find things to clean up as we continue walking with Christ, but that’s part of the journey. It’s no different from a little kid that has a bath and then runs out to play in the dirt. We don’t always get it right. However, with Christ we have the direction to get us back on track, to keep us growing as our new selves, planted in His Word.

1 Thessalonians 1:4 NLT
We know that God loves you, dear brothers and sisters, and that he chose you to be his own people.

God already chose us to be His, but due to His love He never forces this on us. We have the opportunity to choose and show love back to Him. He will teach us how to love through the relationship we gain with Him upon accepting Him. Part of our new creation includes knowing what love really is and how to share it with the world.

1 Peter 1:23 NLT
For you have been born again. Your new life did not come from your earthly parents because the life they gave you will end in death. But this new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God.

This new life goes beyond our physical side. It’s our soul, our innermost being, which reforms us to match what God intended. The love of God lets light flow into us to remove the hardness and darkness.

Col 2:10 NLT
and you are complete through your union with Christ. He is the Lord over every ruler and authority in the universe.

Once reunited with Christ we have a fullness we longed for. Nothing else fills in that void within other than Christ. It is where He will have the Holy Spirit dwell to help us live as our new selves. He will not leave us to our own devices. God wants a full relationship with us and will help us live as part of His family.

I found Jesus is the answer to many things. He’s the key I needed. Life hasn’t changed with its problems and issues, but my view of them has changed as God made me this new creation and keeps teaching me greater things. I haven’t stopped following Him because without Him I’d wind up where I was. I don’t want to go back there.

If you don’t feel your relationship with God is deep enough, take a timeout where you are alone with God. Talk to Him and be sure to be still and listen. Even Jesus took time to go alone and pray to be with His Father. This is part of the relationship. Do it daily.

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