Thursday, July 5, 2018

God is Knowledge

There are a lot of things to know in this world. We could know a lot and be considered smart enough to go on Jeopardy, but are we wise enough to use our knowledge properly? The true knowledge comes from God and His Spirit will lead us into understanding it so we can use it wisely.

Isaiah 11:2 NKJV
The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.

Our fear of the Lord should be of awe and great respect. We should not be responding because we are afraid He’ll punish us. Sure, if we don’t accept what He says, at some point we will see the final judgment and be on the wrong side. However, God loves us and wants us all to understand and know who He really is. He has all the knowledge we need to lead lives that will be far more fulfilling than what we could do on our own. We will know how to live righteously and not destructively in sin. We will know how to operate in love rather than selfishness.

Romans 3:19-20 NLT
Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to show that the entire world is guilty before God. For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are.

The NKJV says, “by the law is the knowledge of sin,” for the ending of verse 20. The Law is there so man will know what God considers sinful. Without this knowledge we would never understand that we need Jesus Christ as a Savior. There are no excuses left once we know God’s law. It lays out where we went wrong; pointing at how most of us have broke the laws. If you lied, then you are a liar. If you took something you did not have permission to have no matter how small, you are a thief. If you never admitted a wrong you did so it could be reconciled, you are still a sinner under that law for those things. There are no excuses. There is nothing we can say to justify ourselves to a truly righteous and good God.

Even when we learn that Jesus is the way, the only way, to God, we want to rebel. Our Western culture is trained to make us believe there are many ways to heaven, that we are all gods. It’s to the point that if someone believes something that is obviously false, many will say, “Good for you.” What’s good about being obviously wrong? Nothing. If we don’t point out the truth and help people see it, we aren’t helping that person at all.

I’m definitely not the spokesperson for Jesus that will reach everyone. I could not even figure out the right way to tell a six-year-old something the other day because my brain wanted to work on the wrong intellectual level. However, it doesn’t stop me from letting people know what I believe and trying to make them think on the knowledge of God. I can’t make you believe. That will have to be your choice based upon the facts you learn. I can’t make you have a relationship with anyone you don’t want to, including God. However, He is definitely waiting for you to acknowledge Him and to start a full relationship. I know He won’t let you down like anyone else might.

Seek to know the truth even if it gets presented in the worse package ever. Take the time to digest it all and not take it just because so-and-so said so. A real belief is one worth dying for.

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