Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Way

John 14:6 NLT
Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.

A lot of people don’t like this verse. They want more than one way to get there. I’m glad there is only one right way because you know it when you find it. I’ve tried all sorts of ways to feel complete knowing there had to be something bigger than myself despite what I was taught in school. There is no hope in a world that was a random accident and then you simply die. I don’t like the idea of some great collective of spirit or mind or whatever. That has no hope since at the end you are absorbed into it. Then there is the whole rave of self help I experienced. If I could do it all myself, I would have known how to deal with life a long time ago.

I see science proving a precision that no random action could account for. There is a moral standard that can be found in humans living the most primitive ways to those living in great cities. Someone wanted us here and has implanted a desire in all of us to find Him. Of all the things I’ve studied, Jesus is the only one with the full answer. And if He lied about that, then He isn’t who He says He is. However, I have yet to find anything that proves God lied and that He doesn’t care.

Ps 119:30-32 NJKV
I have chosen the way of truth; Your judgments I have laid before me. 
31 I cling to Your testimonies; O LORD, do not put me to shame!
32 I will run the course of Your commandments, for You shall enlarge my heart.

This is what I keep working on. Sure I make mistakes, but I keep learning more and more as I continue my journey with Christ. I believe what it says. I’ve seen far more things that make me believe than not. Some of them are the most awesome miracles that can compete with anything you read Jesus doing or what the disciples did after He rose to heaven. It all happens because God loves every one of us despite our sins and wants us to live a full life even here on earth where we have trials and tribulations. It can happen to you, if you simply believe and follow.

John 14:21 NLT
Those who obey my commandments are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them, and I will love them. And I will reveal myself to each one of them." 

The great thing is God loves us and if we want to show our love back, we simply have to follow His commandments. Love is a two way relationship and Jesus wants to not only be Lord of Lords and King of Kings in your life, but your close friend. That is how He reveals Himself to us. Without that relationship we won’t know the truth.

I’m a very analytical person, hence my life as an engineer and project manager. Faith is needed, but I can’t help checking things out. I can put more faith in Jesus being the only way to God than I can in believing we are random accidents of chance created out of a Big Bang. I’m sorry, nothing cannot create something. I’ll keep learning about our amazing world in my analytical way, but I’ll be doing it with the help of God and my faith in His Way being the Truth.

I wish I had learned like my husband as a child. We all need faith like a child even as we mature. Keeping it simple can help us not get distracted and my husband helps me with this. There’s synergy in our very different testimonies that help us follow Jesus and express this to the world.

What’s your testimony and are you sharing it? If you haven’t accepted Christ yet, take a step out in faith and see where the journey leads.

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