When we think of happiness in our culture it is when all
is going well. However, most of us have lives where something is not going
well. We base our choice to be happy on what is happening around us.
Happiness is far more than this. A few synonyms are
contentment, satisfaction, cheerfulness, joy, glee, delight and well-being. I
would say it takes all of these synonyms to truly understand God’s happiness.
Psalms 146:5 NLT
But happy are those who have the God of Israel as their
helper, whose hope is in the LORD their God.
Some versions have joyful instead of happy. Despite
everything going on in life that is not making me feel content, I can still
have a joy deep inside that nothing can take away. True Christians exemplify
this inner joy because they place their faith in the LORD their God. It was the
joy I saw in the true Christians I met and got to know that originally led me
to God.
I like that God wants us to interact with Him in a full
relationship that should surpass anything we can manage on earth. He is the
source of everything and this includes the Law He made to help us understand
right from wrong so we can learn how He intended us to live.
Proverbs 29:18 NLT
When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild.
But whoever obeys the law is happy.
When we run wild from one thing to the next we will not
find contentment. We will feel restless without a steady place to be. We should
have God as our rock so we have an anchor in the stormy times that want to take
our peace away. Paul has this solid
foundation and close relationship with God figured out.
Philippians 4:11 NLT
Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to
get along happily whether I have much or little.
Even when he had little and got thrown into prison for
following Christ, he knew how to get along happily. In other words, he had
contentment in life no matter what happened. I’ve found this with Christ even
if I do have days where God has to point things out so don’t whine about life.
Most times there is nothing we can do to change our circumstances other than
changing our perspective of them. It takes time, but learning to see things the
way God does makes for far better days.
The following are a couple more verses to meditate upon
to help you understand God’s joy better.
Psalms 30:5 NLT
His anger lasts for a moment, but his favor lasts a
lifetime! Weeping may go on all night, but joy comes with the morning.
Night represents time without God. Morning comes when we
renew our relationship with God.
In Nehemiah 8:10 NLT Nehemiah told the people, “Don’t be
dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
I especially love this one because the joy of the Lord is
my strength. Without it, I lose direction and become discontent and sad like
the people Nehemiah talked to upon realizing they had not properly followed God
and His Law. As soon as we learn where we went wrong, we should repent and if
we haven’t already, accept Christ as our Savior and Lord. Then all this joy can
be yours and you’ll have the hope and strength to endure anything with
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