Wednesday, May 23, 2018


When I first looked at this attribute of God and His Law, I had to wonder why God had to have this attribute. After all, He created everything and can do what He wants with it. Further thinking led me to realize He had to be blessed in order for us to be blessed. Attributes cannot be passed on by someone that does not have them. Also, God wants relationships with all of us. Even in His three fold personage He gives us the full view of how blessed such a relationship can be.

So how does the Creator of all get blessed? I put the following verse here in two versions to help explain how God’s people bless Him.

Psalms 28:6 NKJV
Blessed be the LORD, Because He has heard the voice of my supplications!

Psalms 28:6 NLT
Praise the LORD! For he has heard my cry for mercy.

He is blessed because we pray to Him and tell Him of our desires. He will hear us and answer. Some think He won’t answer if it doesn’t happen quickly enough, but He is always on time. Because of this nature true believers are going cling to Him and praise Him for all He has done so far expecting His works to continue into eternity. God wants an open, two-way relationship with us. He is blessed when we do, so don’t just give Him lip service.

In 1 Timothy 1:11, Paul called God blessed when talking of how all should be done according to the gospel. Every believer has had this gospel committed into their trust. If you are sincerely making the effort to obey His gospel and share it with a pure heart, you will be blessing God and He will help you to improve.

That is how we can make God blessed, but how does the Law have this attribute? Again an item needs an attribute in order to pass it on to another. The Law of God will lead us to understanding how He wants us to live and in doing so the Law can make us blessed. The Law is not there to make us right with God, but is a tool to make us understand where we have wronged God.

Revelation 22:14 NLT
Blessed are those who wash their robes so they can enter through the gates of the city and eat the fruit from the tree of life.

When we accept Jesus as our Savior our robes are washed. We cannot wash them ourselves. The act of realizing we have sinned against God per what His Law says should make us run to Jesus.

Another way God’s Law is blessed occurs when we keep His Sabbath holy. The first law is to put God first before all things and this leads into His example of one way to take time to praise Him.

Exodus 20:11 NLT
For in six days the LORD made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them; then he rested on the seventh day. That is why the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart as holy.

We are to honor and praise God for everything. This blesses us and God. It is a time of sharing with Him. God wants us to come to Him for all things, but we are to learn how to do according to His Law.

Where are you with your relationship with God and are you blessing and praising Him no matter what life is throwing at you? Are you honoring Him every day of the week both in a one-on-one relationship and corporately with others on His Sabbath?

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