Friday, December 30, 2016

Once Upon A Time....

This little story was shared on my Facebook in the middle of December based on a sermon pastor did and the fact I was thinking about half my adult life was done without Christ and the latter was. In February it will be fifteen years, since I started this journey and it keeps on going. I've had more trials with Christ than without, but because of Him life is so much better even if circumstances want to say otherwise. 

Once upon a time there was a God who decided to make a fantastically huge universe that had set physical characteristics of still being finite due to restrictions by time, matter and space though He made it out of nothing. Into this great creation He made man of free will, to do as they pleased, but inspired them to have a relationship with Him. However, they did what they pleased and ruined the relationship.
He gave them a Law so they would know good and evil, so they would understand morality and righteousness, but it did not contain the power to close the gulf.
He loved them so much that He already had a plan in place knowing this would happen. He would do something that did not fit in 'their box', something that would totally go against worldly thinking. He sent the same Word, the power, that made the universe out of nothing to be born as a baby. Not to be born in a warm place or a hospital, but a manger with all the animals.
And when he was a man and set upon his mission, he did not take of an earthly throne. No! He took on all sin, hurts and whatever other icky name you want to give it that man had caused by breaking his relationship with God. Due to carrying this great burden to his death, even God had to look away so that the ultimate sacrifice felt the true pain of how God felt in His deepest love.
But due to this great sacrifice that had to come from outside the "box", the way back to God was opened. The access to the power to once again live as He wanted us to has come into a fallen world.
As I stated earlier this week, I spent half of my adult life without Jesus and half of it with. Even if my greatest trials have come while following Jesus, they have been the greatest years. I'm not alone trying to do this with my own power. I have a relationship with God, my power source, and nothing will change my mind.

Please think outside the "box" and realize how many things we really do take on blind faith. Let's see what really makes the most sense in the end when not based on only what we can detect with our five senses. It is sure to blow your mind as much as it did mind! It's like the brightest of light bulbs got turned on and keeps getting cranked up impossibly brighter as I dig deeper and deeper into this great mystery that is a loving God, who is also one of great righteousness and will have to judge us a final time at some point.

Life is a Glorious Trial

It's been a few months since I posted. I've had too many ideas sometimes and other times none at all. I finished a huge overhaul edit on a novel in time to deal with some other changes in life.

The awesome thing with life is that I see trials as opportunities now. I see them as God's work. Changing doctors let them find something my husband needed fixed by surgery before things went bad. Trying to find the right way to publish my completed novel has made me really think about it and why God would want me to publish it. I definitely am not motivated in what I do for money or fame. That would take the fun out of it. And without these trials that make us have to pause or even take a detour, what would I learn to add to my writing and understanding of life? What would I learn about God if not for the bumps in the road?

It's my wish that, even if I'm not regular, that everything I have written here and what comes in the future will inspire you to think about life and how God is so involved with it. May your Christmas have been bright and cheery and may your New Year shine with refreshed hope and anticipation.