Thursday, April 7, 2016

He Is Risen

The cross is the hardest thing to digest with the Christian faith, but it is the crux of it. If God knew we would require His son, Jesus, to die for us, why did he give us free will in the first place? Why not do it differently?

The answer is in his love. He reveals himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit to show us proper relationship. He gave us free will so we could choose him. He could have so easily made little automated toys to tend the garden.  Instead he made man in his image and gave him free will.

We can now read the Old Testament using Jesus as a lens. God knew what was going to happen. He made sure man knew about it. The more we dig to prove things right or wrong with the Bible the stronger its truth becomes. It keeps pointing at Jesus and his death on a cross for us. It points at how God wants us to be part of His family, but only through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is definitely Lord of Lords and King of Kings, but he is also our brother when we are adopted into God’s family. He wants to be our friend. When Jesus returned to heaven after defeating death, God made sure we had a helper in the Holy Spirit.

This should be blowing our minds. It is very hard for us in our short lives on earth stuck in the confines of time to digest this. All eternity is out there beyond our own deaths and that scares us. However, we know Jesus defeated death and is eternal. Being in the image of God we have an eternal piece that longs to be acquainted with him here and now, and beyond.

Some wonder about Christians who truly believe in eternity and whether what Jesus told us was the truth. Honestly, after many disappointments and downfalls in life, I decided to give Jesus a shot. I’m going to stick with him.

If you are not walking with him yet, I would like you to really think on why. Some say it is all nonsense, but I’d rather have a chance at heaven rather than an eternity in hell when Jesus is proven right upon his return. If he is proven wrong, I am still no worse off than anyone else at the end. So I’ll be talking up Jesus until the day I die and sticking to His ways. It has made far more sense than a lot of other things.

Please take the time to check Jesus out for yourself. He wants you to be part of his family and his friend. He wants a one-on-one relationship with each and every one of us.

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