16:18 NKJV - Pride goes before
destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. The pride of Eve and the
lies of the serpent made her believe she could be like God if she ate from the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam did not stop her and ate, as well.
Then they knew they had done wrong and wanted to hide from God. In the end it
caused man to be removed from the garden and put into a world where the land
would rebel against them as they tried living off of it. This is called the
Fall and the curse of it is what we all must face. We should be looking at how
we live and making sure we are on track with God. Do not wander off because
something catches your eye as ‘good’ when it really isn’t.
8:13 NLT - All who fear the LORD will
hate evil. That is why I hate pride, arrogance, corruption, and perverted
speech. God does not want us to have a pride that makes us think we can do
it ourselves without him or that we are better than others. We are all created
in his image and no one should be exalted above or trampled below another. Our
goal should be learning how to help others as Jesus did. Our pride should be in
knowing we have done our work for the day the way God intended us to.
If you
look about the world, you will find that man tends to fall to the evil side if
they have not learned how to properly discipline themselves. Our culture loves
to think we are all individuals entitled to doing it our way. In the end, we
wind up bumping into each other and causing friction instead of cohesion as God
planned. When our society believed in an objective morality, we proved how
great we were as we worked together. Now we are not seen as great as our
individual prides vie to be seen and gain what they are entitled to. Everyone
is entitled to their opinion unless your opinion does not agree with theirs.
6:3-5 NLT - If you think you are too
important to help someone in need, you are only fooling yourself. You are
really a nobody. Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy the
personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won't need to
compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own
We should
be helping others because they need it, not because of some ulterior benefit. Be
sure of whom you are as a child of God and your actions will tell the world.
You won’t need to be arrogant about it or need to think you are better than
someone else. You will be content in being you.
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