Monday, January 4, 2016

A New Beginning

It is the first days of a new year.  Many people have made resolutions and many will have given up on them by the end of this first month.  Why not start something new that you will stick to?  Oh, I know why, most of us don’t realize the effort we will need, the amount of training it will take, and most times we might not have all the knowledge.  That makes us stumble and wonder why we ever decided to run with this idea or resolution in the first place.

That is how this blog looks.  I’m not deleting anything that I posted in for 2012 to 2014 in sporadic mode because they show what I was learning and what was on my mind at the time.  I figured out I needed a lot more knowledge and training to pull this off properly.  I could not come up with enough things to keep it going weekly, let alone monthly.  Why?  I did not get my plan straight.

God has led me on a great learning journey in 2015 and now I want to start this year off with getting back to the basics.  I plan on sharing what Christianity is really about and why you should think about it if not a Christian, and why you should dig deeper if already a Christian.

We just celebrated the birth of Christ, the reason for Christmas.  He came down to earth in a baby suit and grew up like any other child of his day.  He came for one purpose:  to live life like we have and then die for us.  He was the once and for all sacrifice to reconcile us to God.  Without accepting this you are missing out on that true relationship you can have with God.

In the posts to come I hope to help you get to know God’s love and why he sacrificed his only Son for us while we were still sinners.  For those who have not accepted him, I’m hoping to make you think about this with an open mind.  For those that have accepted him, I’m hoping to help propel you into a deeper relationship.

I will accept your questions and comments along the way.  Together, may we all learn who Christ really is and gain the true blessings that come with a relationship with him.

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